Out There Adventures can run a living history day in your school or other setting to bring our ancient past alive!
Living history.
What we offer.
We offer days focusing on the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, Iron Age and the Viking /Anglo-Saxon period.
Contact us for further details, to discuss your specific needs and to book a visit.
Our team will arrive early to set up, and will be dressed in period clothing, with artefacts, replicas and large banner backgrounds to give your learners an immersive experience of our ancestors!
All of our Living History Days are adaptable to suit your needs. We can run outdoors (weather permitting), we can cover specific themes within the main topic (raiders/settlers, for example) and can work with an entire year group, or split the day between classes.
Stone Age.
We will cover the whole age - the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods, looking at stone tools, but also other materials used; the learners will handle bark containers, antler digging tools, animal skins and more.
They’ll think about the transition from hunter gatherer to the first farmers, handle replica Neanderthal, Australopithecus and other skulls, and gain an understanding of the immense timeline of the stone age.
On outdoor days we can introduce primitive fire lighting, archery and shelter building.
Here come the Romans.
The Out There team will represent both sides of the conflict in Roman Britain; one will be dressed as a fearsome ancient Briton, the other as a Roman legionary.
The children will hear from both and see the different perspectives, as well as being recruited into the mighty legions, learning some Latin battle commands, being issued with shields and being taught the ‘Testudo’, the famous tortoise defensive position (at which point we throw spears at them - don’t worry; they’re foam…)
They’ll also learn about the blood curdling punishments in the army, they’ll try on chainmail as worn by high status Celtic warriors, handle swords, helmets, spears and tools, and take part in a ‘guess what?’ activity with some mysterious artefacts.
Viking / Anglo-Saxon day.
Spotting the difference between the Viking and Saxon in front of the children can be a little difficult, but look closer…one wears a cross; the other..?
This will be an excellent day to have at the start of a topic to kick start their enthusiasm, half way through the topic to keep the momentum going or right at the end to consolidate learning and give them a treat!
The ‘chainmail challenge’ is always popular and giving them a taste of life as a Viking child can often make them appreciate the modern world a little more…
Again, fascinating backdrops are used to get them thinking; the children take part in our ‘I see…I think…I wonder…’ activity as well as experiencing the terrifying shield wall!